What is dcb4java

dbc4java is a pragmatic and extensible general purpose validation framework for any kind of java objects and allows you:

  • to easily validate objects on demand
  • to specify constraints for class fields and methods.
    • specifying constraints for method parameters that are automatically checked when a method is called (pre-conditions).
    • requiring a certain object state before a method is called (pre-conditions).
    • enforcing object validation after an object has been created (invariants).
    • enforcing object validation after a method on an object has been called (invariants).
    • specifying constraints for a method’s return value (post-conditions).
  • to configure constraints via annotations.

Within introduction design by contract we provide a deeper understanding of design by contract. The Usage dbc4spring chapter describes how the dbc4java framework can be used within your project. The Validation Constraints provides an overview of the constraint annotations that are default supported by dbc4java.