Microservice architecture

A microservice architecture is the natural consequence of applying the single responsibility principle at architectural level. Within a microservice architecture the functionality is decomposed in a set of collaborating services and the scale cube is applied. Services communicate with each other either using synchronous protocols like HTTP/REST or asynchronous protocols such as AMQP/JMS. In this way, business domain concepts are modelled as resources with one or more of these managed by a microservice. Since a business request can span multiple microservices separated by network partitions, it is important to consider possible failures in the system. Techniques such as timeouts, circuit breakers, bulkheads can help to maintain overall system uptime in spite of outage.

Often microservices display similar internal structure consisting of some or all of the layers as shown below.

microservices internal structure

  • Resources act as a mapper between the application protocol as exposed by the micro service and messages to the services/entities that are representing the domain. Typically, they are thin, responsible for sanity checking the request, and providing a protocol specific response according to the outcome of the request. If we for example expose the resources via REST and follow internally the CQRS approach, this layer would be responsible for converting the HTTP REST request into a Command.
  • The microservice logic resides in the domain model. Services coordinate across multiple domain activities, whilst repositories act on collections of domain entities and are often persistent. When a resource receives a request and has validated it, it either directly access the domain model, or, if many entities must be coordinated, it delegates the request to a service.
  • If a service has another service as a collaborator, some logic is needed to communicate with the external service. A service connector encapsulates message passing with a remote service, marshalling requests and responses from and to other services. Service connectors should be resilient to outage of remote components.

Normally services are developed independently from another. Typically, a team will act as guardian to one or more microservices,

Each service has its own storage in order to decouple from other services. When necessary, consistency between services is maintained using application events.

Following this approach has a number of benefits:

  • Each service is relatively small. Defining small is subjective but one of the rule of thumbs is that the microservice should be small enough to be owned by a small agile development team, re-writable within 1 or 2 sprint, and the complexity does not require refactoring or further division into another microservice. Advantage of such small microservices are:
    • Easier for developers to understand.
    • The web container starts fast, which makes developers more productive and speed up deployments.
  • Each service can be deployed independently of other services; e.g. easier to deploy new versions of services frequently.
  • Easier to scale development. It enables to organize the development effort around multiple teams. Each team can develop, deploy, and scale their service independently of all other teams.
  • Improved fault isolation.
  • Each service can be developed and deployed independently.
  • Eliminates long term commitment to a technology stack. Each microservice has its own server, and network & hosting environment. Also the business logic, data model and the service interface(s) (API/UI) are all part of the entire system.

There are however also a number of drawbacks:

  • Developers must deal with the additional complexity of creating distributed systems.
    • Testing is more difficult.
    • Developers must implement the inter-service communication mechanism
    • Implementing use cases that span multiple services without using distributed transactions is difficult (See Try-Cancel/Confirm)
    • Implementing uses cases that span multiple services requires careful coordination between the teams.
  • Deployment complexity in production; there is additional operational complexity of deploying and managing a system comprised of many different services.
  • Increased memory consumption. The microservice architecture replaces a monolithic application with N service instances. If each service runs in its own JVM (which is usually necessary to isolate instances) there is a overhead of N-1 JVM runtimes. Moreover, if each service runs on its own VM the overhead is even higher.

A challenge is deciding how to partition the system into microservices. One approach is to partition services by use case. We could for example have a micro service shipping within a partitioned e-commerce application that is responsible for shipping completed orders. Another approach is to partition by entity. This kind of service is responsible for all operations that operate on entities of a given type.

Ideally, each service should have only a small set of responsibilities. The Single Responsible Principle states that every class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. It makes sense to apply this principle to microservice design as well.

MicroService naming guidelines

There isn’t a really straight forward approach regarding the naming of microservices but the following guidelines should help in creating a consistency in the naming of the microservices.

  • Use camel case for microservice name
  • Don’t reveal implementation details in the microservice name - This not only has the potential to lead to confusion when you change the implementation of the microservice, but is also a security risk as it gives the microservice consumer an insight in how the microservice may be implemented which they may be able to exploit.
  • Don’t include protocol information in the microservice name - This is generally unnecessary as the service advertise itself at a particular endpoint which clearly defines the protocol to be used.
  • Don’t include the word service in the microservice name
  • Don’t include a version in the microservice name
  • Name microservice to entity at which it operates - Microservices which operate on a specific entity should be named after the entity. For example if service that operates on customers may be simple named Customer.
  • Name microservice to functionality it performs - Certain microservices are taking care of certain processes and therefore the use of verbs in the service name is common. For example a service that orchestrates the device registration could be called RegisterDevice.

Naming conventions may seem trivial at first, but as the number of microservices grow, so will the potential to reuse. In larger organizations, this means that more and more architects, analysts, and developers are discovering and then incorporating foreign services within their solution designs. The effort required to establish a consistent level of clarity across all microservices pays off quickly when interoperability and reuse opportunities are more easily recognized and seized.

Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are important decision makers while designing micro services. The success of a system is largely dependent on its availability, scalability, performance, usability and flexibility.


The golden rule for availability says, anticipate failures and design accordingly so that the system will be available for 99.999%. It means that the system can only go down for 5.5 minutes a year. The cluster model is used to support such high availability (having group of services run in active-active mode or active-standby model).

So while designing microservices, it must be designed for appropriate clustering and high availability model. The basic properties of microservices such as stateless, independent and full stack will help to run multiple instances in parallel.


Microservices must be scalable both horizontally and vertically. Being horizontally scalable means we can have multiple instances of the microservices to increase the performance of the system. The design of the microservices must support horizontal scaling (scale-out)

Also scaling vertically should be possible. If a microservice is hosted on a medium capacity and moved to a higher capacity the performance of the service should scale accordingly. Similarly downsizing the system capacity must be possible.


Performance is measured by throughput vs response time (TPS - Transactions Per Second). The performance requirements must be available in the beginning of the design phase itself. There are technologies and design choices that will affect the performance and to avoid rework at a later stage these should be known.


Usability aspects of the design focus on hiding the internal design, architecture, technology and other complexities to the end user of the system. Most of the time, microservices expose APIs to the end user, so the APIs must be designed in a normalized way so that it is easy to achieve the required functionality with a minimal number of API calls.


Flexibility measures the adaptability to change. In the microservices eco-system, where each microservice is owned (possibly) by different teams and developed in agile methodology changes will happen faster than any other system. The microservices may not inter-operate if they don’t adapt or accommodate to changes in other systems. So there must be a proper mechanism in place to publish changes to API, functional changes, etc.


  • Check whether OSGI could help with decreasing memory consumption.

Related Patterns

See also